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JAFOWA vise à soutenir un mouvement paysan solide, équitable et inclusif en Afrique de l’Ouest afin de mettre en place et de gérer des systèmes alimentaires locaux et durables.

JAFOWA accompagne des organisations paysannes, des exploitants des filières agro-sylvo-pastorales et halieutiques engagés dans la transition agroécologique.

Nos services


JAFOWA aims to support a stable, equitable, and inclusive farmers’ movement in West Africa, in order to establish and maintain local, sustainable food systems.

JAFOWA supports farmers’ organisations, as well as crop, forestry, livestock, and fish farmers who are committed to the agroecological transition.


Fields of action 

● Strengthening the ability of farmers’ organisations and individual farmers

● Disseminate agroecological practices

● Fostering synergies and partnerships

● Promote the role of young people and women

● Support advocacy

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